shock advertisement

shock advertisement is where the producer presents a shocking image, slogan or story that the audience is unprepared for.

Road Saftey-Car crashing into kids. This is only show after nine. in this advert a group of children go on a school trip they are all around the age of 7-8. this advert is aimed and people who drive dangerous and anyone over the age of 18 as that is when you can drive. i feel this representation of dangerous driving is very powerful and can really make you feel emotionally.
Image result for road safety car crash into kids

cigarettes-These show pictures of people with black drugs and peoples throats with tar on them. this is aimed at people who smoke frequently and people who buy ciggartes. these pictures are on every box and shows your throat mutaed or a pair of black lungs. this strongly shows the effect of smoking and can even make people realise they need to stop smoking.
Image result for ciggarette box images

subway-Billboard with sex on it in big writing to get your attention then it says eat at subway. This billboard gets your attention as it has in BOLD WRITTING SEX this also gets your attention as its not something you normally see on a billboard. as you carry on reading it says now i have your attention go eat at subway. i think this is clever and will even make you laugh after you read. this is aimed at people on the motar way who may be hungry after driving for ages.
Image result for subway sex billboard


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Adam the adverts are very interesting but you need to analyse them in far more detail.
    All you have done so far is explain basically what is happening.
    You need to go into far more depth please.
    Discuss country of origin of ad, year, reasons why you chose it, does the advert work? If so how if not why?

    Please complete in full as this was work for a double lesson.
    Mrs McD-H

  3. Much better Adam, please check and amend your spelling and grammar as there are many mistakes.

    Pass when all errors amended.
    Mrs McD-H


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